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Docker Compose

Docker Compose simplifies the management of multi-container applications with Docker. This leaves more time to focus on the applications and not so much on your infrastructure.


Docker Compose requires both Docker Engine and Docker Compose to be installed. In principle, any server can be used, regardless of whether it is a server in the home network or a rented one in a data center. The installation process varies depending on your operating system.

Container Orchestration Basics

Before we begin with the installation, it’s important to understand some fundamental concepts:

  • Containers: Isolated runtime environments for applications
  • Images: Templates for containers with pre-configured software
  • Compose files: YAML-based configuration files for defining multi-container applications
  • Volumes: Persistent data storage for containers
  • Networks: Communication between containers

Installation on Different Systems


Install Docker and Docker Compose using Pacman, Arch Linux’s package manager:

Terminal window
sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable docker

This command will install the necessary packages and enable Docker to start automatically on boot.